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Safeguarding Adult Policies and Procedures

Pan-Lancashire Safeguarding Adults Policies and Procedures

Follow the links below to access the multi-agency procedures for Pan-Lancashire (Lancashire, Blackburn with Darwen and Blackpool Safeguarding Adults Boards). This is designed to support good practice in meeting the requirements of the Care Act 2014.

Pan-Lancashire - Safeguarding Adults Multi-Agency Policy

Pan-Lancashire - Resolving Professionals Disagreements (Escalation Policy) - under review (Jan 2025) 

Pan-Lancashire - Anti Slavery Partnership Toolkit

Lancashire Safeguarding Adults Board (LSAB) Policies and Procedures

LSAB Guidance for Safeguarding Concerns

Complaints Policy

Self Neglect Framework - under review (Jan 2025)

Hoarding Guidance

Domestic Abuse Guidance

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) - a pathway for adults identified as at risk or have suffered FGM

Homelessness Pathway - for professionals working with service users with complex needs and no fixed abode, or at risk of homelessness

Prison Hospital Pathway - Good Practice Guidance

Related Resources

Care Act 2014 Care Act Statutory Guidance

Safeguarding Research in Practice Customer Guide to Safeguarding Adults

Index of all pages: