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Information for Care Providers

This section offers useful information, templates and guidance to assist you as a provider in delivering quality services for safeguarding adults.


RADAR is a confidential, multi-agency, collaborative information sharing group.  There are three groups across Lancashire (North, Central and East).

Each group meets on a monthly basis and receives information from a variety of sources where concerns have been identified regarding residential, nursing and domiciliary care providers.  The information received will inform decisions about how best to support providers who have been identified as requiring improvements and escalate as appropriate.  

RADAR Terms of Reference

RADAR Operating Guidance 

Lancashire's Quality Improvement Planning (QIP)

Lancashire's Quality Improvement Planning (QIP) process is a confidential planned and coordinated multi-agency response designed to ensure that when significant issues are raised regarding a significant shortfall in the quality of care delivered by a registered care provider the issues are addressed.

The QIP process is not a replacement for individual safeguarding alerts, referrals and enquiries, and is not an emergency response.

QIP Terms of Reference

QIP Standard Operational Procedure

QIP Evaluation Form

Good Practice

Safeguarding Guidance

Index of all pages: