When babies cry it can be stressful and overwhelming. ICON is an evidenced based, multi-agency programme that delivers key messages at different 'touch points' messages can be combined with conversations around safer sleep whilst reinforcing the following:
- I is for Infant Crying is Normal and it will stop!
- C is for Comforting methods can sometimes soothe the baby.
- O is for It’s Ok to walk away for a few minutes
- N is for Never, ever shake a baby
Abusive Head Trauma (AHT) – also known as ‘Shaken Baby Syndrome’ – causes catastrophic brain injuries, which can lead to death, or significant long term health and learning disabilities. AHT is not restricted to specific socio-economic groups – it can occur in any environment, when a parent or carer is on the edge due to infant crying.
Resources, including leaflets, posters and video clips can be shared with parents and carers at any contact had with midwives, health visitors, GPs, social workers, and any other professionals working with families.
You can find the ICON Toolkit here.