Quick Exit


Bruising in babies and children


Child Sexual Abuse (CSA)

CSA Centre - resources supporting practitioners to improve their knowledge, skills and confidence in identifying an responding to child sexual abuse

Using Supervision and team meetings to improve responses to child sexual abuse

“I wanted them all to notice" - Protecting children and responding to child sexual abuse within the family environment report by the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel

"I wanted them all to notice" Briefing note - Briefing note for child protection professionals across England

Children in Our Care and Care Leavers

Contextual Safeguarding

Domestic Abuse

Lancashire County Council Domestic Abuse information page

The Wish Centre - provide support to victims, perpetrators and children

HARV - provide services to vulnerable children and families in Hyndburn and Ribble Valley

Domestic Abuse Commissioner - reports shining a spotlight on issues that affect victims and survivors of domestic abuse

Lancashire Victim Services - Provide support to all victims of DA in Lancashire

Nest Lancashire - Deliver support to children and young people aged between 5 and 18 years (and up to 25 for anyone with learning needs) in the Lancashire County Council area.

Loving me UK - Offer support for trans and non-binary victims of domestic abuse or sexual violence

Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS) Application - online form to request information under Clare's Law

Early Help

Elective Home Education

Content coming soon

Harmful Sexual Behaviours

Content coming soon


Local Resources

Lancashire Youth Zone

Lancashire Family Hubs

Inspire Lancashire Substance Misuse Service Inspire Lancashire 

If you are interested in finding out about Inspire Lancashire Professionals Open Days and training sessions to learn more about drugs and alcohol, the work Inspire do, or requesting a training session for your team, contact:

North and Central Lancashire: inspirencl.training@cgl.org.uk

East Lancashire:  EastLancs.Training@cgl.org.uk 

Lancashire Fire and Rescue Home Fire Safety Checks

Age UK Dementia Information Guide

Mental Capacity Act/DoLs

Mental Health

Let's Keep Talking - Mental health campaign toolkit



Pre-birth Assessment

Private Fostering

Radicalisation (Prevent)

Prevent Duty Guidance

Prevent - Counter Terrorism Police Website

Counter-terrorism Strategy (CONTEST) 2023

Channel Duty Guidance

ACT Early - website offering information about preventing radicalisation and extremism by acting early.

Report Radicalisation (Prevent) - information on how to report radicalisation in Lancashire

Home Office Prevent Duty training

Prevent Duty in healthcare - guidance and training for healthcare professionals

Safer Sleep

Serious Youth Violence

Sexual Violence

Trust House Lancashire - provides support to children, young people and adults who are victims/survivors of sexual violence

Loving me UK - Offer support for trans and non-binary victims of domestic abuse or sexual violence

Suicide Prevention

Positive Action in the Community - Provides training courses for individuals and organisations living and working in Lancashire.

Zero Suicide Alliance - 20 minute course includes how to recognise the warning signs and safeguard someone who could be contemplating suicide.

Alumina - free online self-harm support for 10-17 year olds.

Healthier Lancashire and Cumbria - advice and guidance if you're worried about someone, or need help now.

Lancashire County Council Suicide prevention and mental health training

PAPYRUSResources, help and advice for prevention of young suicide

Trauma Informed Practice

Voice of the Child

NSPCC Voice of the Child - Videos to help professionals understand how to listen and facilitate the voice of the child in safeguarding practice

Water Safety

NFCC Be Water Aware Toolkit 2024

Watch out in water poster - guide on how to prevent drowning

Water Safety for families -  Water Safety advice from the Royal Life Saving Society UK

NCMD website - RLSS Safety warning on child drownings at home

Working with fathers and male carers

Dadpad - Essential guide for new dads

Men's Sheds

Index of all pages: